Chart in CVEDIA?


I thought I had seen a demo with a chart in the CVEDIA GUI (but I can’t find it now & I might be mistaken) ?
I think it was a histogram or line chart, showing count of detections
If such as thing exists, can someone please point me in the right direciton



Hey Andrew,

This will be available in the next release scheduled for early november.

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I couldn’t run my rtsp of ip-camera in Cvedia-RT app, can you guide me on how to do that ?
my rtsp is like that: rtsp://username:pass@ip/cam/realmonitor?channel=1subtype=1
H.265 codec
what should i do ?

hey Syed,

You need to change the streamer connection pipeline in the advanced editor.
Check this cheat sheet here – Advanced IO with GStreamer - CVEDIA-RT – all you have to do is replace h264 with h265. Note that this won’t work on windows.

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Thankyou so much, I successfully ran my rtsp stream smoothly, but there is some error in console about (cv::resize)… is this error should bother me ? if yes, then can you elaborate me how to avoid it.

That error shouldn’t happen, it might be that the stream is misconfigured or missing codecs.

Do you see any video output in the UI?

It seems error is happening on every frame, can you send us a full log of that run? You can find it at logs folder. You can send it directly to me or via discord.
